Nine Ways to Support Digestion
Being able to digest your food is critical to your health. Breaking down particles of food into bioavailable nutrients not only provides fuel for your body — your body is literally made up of the food you put in it (which is why a healthy diet is so important, since it directly impacts the health of every cell in your body). Here are some tips to help support optimal digestion so you can get the most out of every delicious nutrient you eat:
Keep in mind:
Like all health issues, there are no quick fixes for bad digestion. While all of these are great ways to support digestion (and can help improve it to an extent), dysfunction requires a deeper dive to get to the underlying issues. Working with a holistic nutrition practitioner who does objective testing, like myself, can help get to the root of the matter so you’re able to digest and utilize all the nutrients in your diet — and feel your absolute best!